In the Beginning

In the Beginning

I am usually good at sticking with new years resolutions, at least as far as one year. However, I have found that the key to sticking with a resolution is to set the bar low. Very low. One year my new years resolution was simply to drink more water. Given that my liquid diet at the time (I was a student) consisted mainly of caffeine and alcohol, this did not prove too difficult. This year is different. I decided to start this blog.


Why start a blog you might ask? There are the good reasons- I love to cook, I enjoy writing, I am currently on maternity leave with my second child, which gives me slightly more disposable time than I would ordinarily have, and baking with my daughter both occupies her and provides us with yummy treats.

But the real reason is unfortunately sadder. A good friend of mine passed away over the holidays. It was sudden and heart wrenching as is always the case when someone young is taken from us too early. Before she died, she challenged all of her friends to start a vlog as their new years resolution. As I am far better with the written word and would love to avoid videos of myself on YouTube, I decided to start this blog in honour of her.



“How luck I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

– A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh