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Steak House Steaks (and Why Reverse Searing Reigns Supreme)

Steak House Steaks (and Why Reverse Searing Reigns Supreme)

There are few date-night classics that can’t be perfected at home. That’s good because finding a babysitter on Valentine’s Day, trying to remember to make a reservation in advance, and piling into an over-crowded restaurant to consumer over-priced entrees, can make one feel less than 

Raised Waffles

Raised Waffles

I recognize that this is the third waffle recipe I have posted, but I love all three of them, they serve three distinct purposes and you need all of them in your life. We should not have to choose! This is my go-to recipe for 

Green Bean Gremolata

Green Bean Gremolata

January is officially the longest month of the year. Even this year, when we have received more rain then snow, the sky is gloomy and it is dark when I wake and dark when I drive home. The festive air has vanished and we are 

Braised Lamb Shanks in Red Wine

Braised Lamb Shanks in Red Wine

To me, there is something particularly satisfying in serving individual sections of an animal to guests. While a Cornish hen tastes remarkably similar to slices of regular Sunday chicken- placing half of a bird on your plate really sends the message that this meal is 

Via Carota’s Insalata Verde

Via Carota’s Insalata Verde

It is New Years Day: the most ambitious of days. A day where we take stock of our shortcomings and resolve to do better. The vast majority of us declare that we will ‘be healthier’ after a month filled with sugar coated cookies and sour 

Prime Rib

Prime Rib

I recently attended a work Christmas party that took place at a “Wassail” dinner at a local country club. Apparently a wassail is an old English tradition of drinking out of a giant pot of mulled cider/wine. In this case, it was drinking egg nog 

Buckeyes (not the Football team)

Buckeyes (not the Football team)

There are those “Martha Stewart” types who are artistic and creative and whose Christmas cookie creations turn out as beautiful as they taste. I am sadly not that kind of person. Despite concerted effort, my cookies have that home-spun, Pinterest-fail look. You know- the kind 

Citrus and Fennel Salad

Citrus and Fennel Salad

This is the perfect winter salad. It has the elements that make up all great salads: acid, crunch, a little bitterness, some sweet, and crispy, toasty croutons. It incorporates citrus for colour and sweetness, which (in Canada at least) is just as good in December 

My Favourite Things 2019

My Favourite Things 2019

For all of those celebrating with turkey, football and wonderful Black Friday shopping- A Very Happy Thanksgiving! I will be enjoying all three in my favourite fashion: tailgating with turkey, watching the Lions win (ya right) and attempting to cross off my entire Christmas shopping 

Crispy Smashed Potatoes

Crispy Smashed Potatoes

I may be slightly obsessed with potatoes. But they are really the most versatile, perfect side. My latest obsession has been with these crispy smashed potatoes. They are a cross between a crispy home fry and a buttery roasted potato, which results in the perfect