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Lobster Tails with Hazelnut Browned Butter

Lobster Tails with Hazelnut Browned Butter

Valentine’s Day has never been a holiday close to my heart. In my younger, more loudly feminist days, I dismissed it as the (mostly) commercialized, hallmark inspired holiday that it is. Since meeting my now husband, I have stopped celebrating Valentines Day altogether because his 

Farro and Arugula Salad

Farro and Arugula Salad

In a typical response to the indulgence of the holidays, I spend much of January embarking on a healthy(ish) approach to eating; less meat, no frying, trying to avoid anything resembling a bake good. I forced myself back into our basement workout room for the 

Hot Chocolate Mix

Hot Chocolate Mix

There is nothing better on a cold January day, after shoveling the driveway or helping the kids build a snowman, than sitting in front of the fire with a piping hot cup of cocoa. That call-back to childhood never gets old, unlike the motivation to 

Beef Wellington

Beef Wellington

This is the showstopper of all main course dishes. When done correctly, this dish make a statement: I am a bad ass in the kitchen! It makes that statement though because it is notoriously difficult to pull off. You need to make sure the dish 

Jam Thumbprint Cookies

Jam Thumbprint Cookies

The Christmas countdown is on. The countdown that stresses all mothers out- how will I accomplish everything before Christmas Eve? I lay in my bed last night thinking about everything I still had to cook and all the wrapping I had not finished, in that 

Potato Frittata with Feta and Scallions

Potato Frittata with Feta and Scallions

I am in love with this frittata recipe. Typically my frittatas have more of the ‘kitchen sink’ approach; a way to use up the vegetables and herbs in my fridge that are starting to look a little past their prime. There is nothing wrong with 

My Favourite Things 2021

My Favourite Things 2021

US Thanksgiving still looked a little different this year. We could not tailgate at the Lions game as we typically do (Canada still requires a very expensive PCR test before re-entry), but this year we were fortunate to be able to have a smallish gathering 

Brunswick Stew

Brunswick Stew

I have long resisted the rotisserie chicken on display at the grocery store. I think it was pure snobbery on my part. I thought- well I can cook a chicken better than the grocery store! And while that is true, for some incomprehensible reason the 

Roasted Banana and Sour Cream Waffles

Roasted Banana and Sour Cream Waffles

Over the next few weeks I am going to be highlighting one of my favourite cookbooks this year: Julia Turshen’s latest release, Simply Julia, 110 Easy Recipes for Healthy Comfort Food. Turshen speaks about healthy eating in a way that is far more balanced and 



I recently celebrated my (gasp) 40th birthday. As the oldest grandchild on both sides of my family I am quite used to being the brunt of age-focused jokes. Still this one hurt a little. By most definitions I have entered the dreaded ‘middle aged’ era