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My favourite part of Christmas has always been Christmas Eve. It may have something to do with the excitement and anticipation of the fun to come. Mostly it is because my Christmas Eves were always spent at my grandmothers house, who made everything feel so 

My Favourite Things 2018

My Favourite Things 2018

Today is a moment for grand celebration.  It has nothing to do with pilgrims and turkeys, although they are also worthy of a shout-out.  This is my 100th Blog Post! What started out as a New Year’s Resolution has culminated in a beautiful way to 

Apple Crisp

Apple Crisp

The first thing I ever baked was an unmitigated disaster. Mind you I was eleven, and of course I blame the entire thing on my mother (as all eleven-year-old girls, perhaps all girls, do). And before you say, ‘oh it couldn’t have been that bad’, 

Spiced Nuts

Spiced Nuts

I have a very strict “No Christmas” policy until Thanksgiving (American not Canadian- I obviously don’t pull out the candy canes in October).  For some reason this self-imposed rule gets harder to stick to every year.  It seems that trick-or-treaters are still at my door 

Macaroni and Cheese

Macaroni and Cheese

Growing up, my sister and I always asked for Macaroni and Cheese whenever my father was away.  To him, mac and cheese was considered nursery school food he wanted no part in.  And when I say Macaroni and Cheese, I do not mean the kit 

Potato Leek Soup

Potato Leek Soup

In my Fall trend of making warm comfort foods, I have included this winner.  It has all the fall comfort essentials: warm, filling, and creamy!  It may also be the embodiment of ‘unhealthy’, containing cream, bacon, and starchy potatoes.  I guess when it comes to 

Chili con Carne

Chili con Carne

Before the critics rolls in I am going to state up front: I am from Canada, I do not have a background in Tex-Mex cooking, I have never set foot in the great state of Texas. [Side note- my lovely cousin from Austin, we should 

Blueberry Pancakes

Blueberry Pancakes

My favourite part of the weekend is lazy, Saturday morning breakfast.  Ever day of the week is like a battle, trying to get everyone dressed, fed, and out the door in time for school.  In contrast, Saturday mornings are indulgently languid.  There is nothing as 

Chicken Pot Pie

Chicken Pot Pie

Returning to the kitchen after a weekend filled with feasting is always a bit of a challenge. After baking pies, mashing potatoes and basting for hours, all I want to do is fall into a tryptophane-induced coma and binge watch Netflix until Halloween. Then I 

Kale and Caramelized Onion Stuffing

Kale and Caramelized Onion Stuffing

My favourite season is upon us- the season of sweaters, apple picking, and crunchy leaves.  The time of year when you can wear super comfortable leggings and pretend they are pants and no one remarks (or at least not to your face).  A season made