The Red and Black

The Red and Black

While this recipe may sound like the title of a depressing french revolutionary novel, it is actually a delicious cool cocktail that everyone needs to enjoy on a hot summer evening.  The red refers to strawberries and the black is pepper that is ground and steeped in the simple syrup.  Think of it as the cure for depressed, battle-weary souls.

Every year I take my kids on a trek to the county to pick strawberries.  In truth I went on the trek for years before having kids, and now it just seems less weird.  This year however- epic fail.  My usual strawberry field no longer allows ‘pick your own’ so we decided to venture to a new location, which was not close.  And of course the location of this field was not accurately depicted on google maps.  So I ended up lost in the county with two unimpressed and one might say whiny children, with no navigator.  We eventually located the field only to find that they also did not allow ‘pick your own’ berries.  Solution: we “picked” out our flat of strawberries, went for ice cream, and I recovered with this very berry and delicious cocktail.

Don’t let their fruity appearance fool you.  These cocktails are strong.  The drinks get a spicy kick from freshly ground black pepper.  If you have to substitute already ground pepper (please don’t!) you will want to increase the amount to get the same kick.  I would suggest another 1/2 Tbsp, but you may need to play with it.  While this drink is best made in June when beautiful in-season berries are plentiful, you could make it with frozen berries other times of the year.

The simple syrup can and should be made in advance so it has time to cool.  The entire drink mix can be prepped in advance and kept in the fridge for the arrival of company.

The Red and Black Cocktail
Smitten Kitchen

Serves 2

1/2 cup (100 grams) granulated sugar
1/2 cup water
1 Tbsp (7 grams) coarsley ground black pepper
4 ounces ripe strawberries, hulled and halved
5 Tbsp fresh lime juice
5 ounces tequila blanco

To finish:
1 lime wedge
1 Tbsp granulated sugar
3/4 tsp finely ground black pepper
1/4 tsp kosher salt

Make a simple syrup by combining the sugar, water, and 1 Tbsp if coarsely ground black pepper in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer. Simmer until sugar fully dissolves, stirring for 1 minute. Cool completely. Strain the syrup.

Muddle strawberries small pitcher or medium-sized jar. Add lime juice, 1/2 cup of cooled syrup (or less if you prefer your drink less sweet) and tequila and stir to combine. This mixture can be refrigerated for up to 2 days.

Combine 1 Tbsp sugar, 3/4 tsp finely ground black pepper and salt in a shallow plate. Swipe the rims of 2 rock glasses with the lime and dip the rims in the sugar/pepper/salt mixture to coat them. Carefully fill the glasses with ice. Divide the strawberry-tequila mixture between the glasses, including the muddled strawberries.