My Scottish Grandmother’s Shortbread……Shhh- It’s a Secret!

My Scottish Grandmother’s Shortbread……Shhh- It’s a Secret!

My mother’s family has always had the best shortbread recipe.  The shortbread is light and moist with a hint of sweetness.  Wanting to share this delicious treat with the world, I of course gave the recipe out to anyone who would ask.  It was years later that I learned this was apparently a family secret…oops.

So the key to the best shortbread is right at your fingertips, just don’t tell anyone (especially my Aunt Monica..who hopefully does not read my blog).

This recipe does call for a few unusual ingredients, but I implore you not to substitute.  Those strange ingredients are what make this “the best shortbread”, not adequate shortbread.

Bob’s Red Mill makes a great rice flour that is available in many large grocery stores.  If you can’t find rice flour, you can use potato flour, or another gluten-free flour.  Fruit sugar is also sometimes referred to as superfine sugar.

Be careful not to overcook your shortbread.  You don’t want it to actually brown.  I recommend cooking it in a very low oven to ensure that it doesn’t cook too quickly.

Grandma Hughes’ Shortbread

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup rice flour
1 cup fruit sugar (or superfine sugar)
1 pound softened butter

Preheat the oven to 275F

Knead all of the ingredients together with your hands until they are fully incorporated.  Spread out on a 26″ x 18″ sheet pan (or cookie sheet).  Using a fork, press the fork down the length of the dough in rows or pinpricks, until the entire dough is covered.  Bake for 30-40 minutes or until the edges just start to dry out and colour.  You do not want the shortbread to actually brown.