My Favourite Things 2021

My Favourite Things 2021

US Thanksgiving still looked a little different this year. We could not tailgate at the Lions game as we typically do (Canada still requires a very expensive PCR test before re-entry), but this year we were fortunate to be able to have a smallish gathering 

My Favourite Things 2018

My Favourite Things 2018

Today is a moment for grand celebration.  It has nothing to do with pilgrims and turkeys, although they are also worthy of a shout-out.  This is my 100th Blog Post! What started out as a New Year’s Resolution has culminated in a beautiful way to 

My Favourite Things

My Favourite Things

I know. I’m not Oprah. In fact I’m pretty much the opposite of Oprah;  being a scrawny white chick from Canada who has never seen the inside of a studio. But like the great Oprah, I wish to share with you the things I have 

Kitchen Tip- Softening Butter

Kitchen Tip- Softening Butter

Have you noticed that most baking recipes required ‘softened’ or ‘room temperature’ butter, but when you are craving chocolate chip cookies, you cannot wait for butter to come to room temperature?  No need to wait!  The quick way to immediately soften butter, and not turn 

Kitchen Tip- Flash Freezing

Kitchen Tip- Flash Freezing

Trying to freeze the last of the Summer or Fall produce? The best way to freeze vegetables is to use the ‘flash freezing’ method.  Lay the vegetables in a single layer on a cookie sheet, covered with parchment paper.  Be careful not to crowd the 



I love summer produce, especially in my own garden.  But somehow fall always creeps up on me.  One minute I am harvesting tomatoes and cucumbers aplenty.  The next minute it is Thanksgiving.  Which also means that I have neglected one of the most important gardening 

Kitchen Tip- Stocking an Organized Freezer

Kitchen Tip- Stocking an Organized Freezer

I find that having a well stocked freezer is essential to my sanity.  It allows me to buy meat when it is on sale, avoids having to go to the grocery store multiple times a week, and is a great quick way to store summer 

Kitchen Tip- Using a Kitchen Scale

Kitchen Tip- Using a Kitchen Scale

If I were to impart one and only one cooking tip it would be this: Use a Kitchen Scale. For years kitchen scales have been viewed as a tool useful only for calorie counters and people on fad diets.  Let me break the stereotype right now.  A scale is 

Kitchen Tip- Cutting a Pound of Butter

Kitchen Tip- Cutting a Pound of Butter

My favourite part of grocery shopping in the US (apart from the fact that you can buy alcohol at the Grocery Store- Oh how Canadians’ suffer) is the butter.  American butter is sold standard in four 1/4 pound sticks per package.  This makes baking and cooking