Salted Caramel Brownies

Salted Caramel Brownies

In addition to it being Valentine’s Day tomorrow, and Pancake/Shrove Tuesday, it is also my husband’s birthday. We decided to forego the usual cake and everyone was happier for it! In my strong opinion, cake is the most overrated dessert. Traditional birthday cakes are usually 

Lobster Tails with Hazelnut Browned Butter

Lobster Tails with Hazelnut Browned Butter

Valentine’s Day has never been a holiday close to my heart. In my younger, more loudly feminist days, I dismissed it as the (mostly) commercialized, hallmark inspired holiday that it is. Since meeting my now husband, I have stopped celebrating Valentines Day altogether because his 

Fried Calamari with Marinara Dipping Sauce

Fried Calamari with Marinara Dipping Sauce

Typically North Americans eat seafood at restaurants. I think there is a presumed notion that seafood is harder to prepare. Unlike meat, seafood is a little less familiar (unless we’re talking shrimp), and sourcing it at a grocery store seems daunting. We are far more 

Cumin Crusted Lamb Chops with Scallions and Peanuts

Cumin Crusted Lamb Chops with Scallions and Peanuts

I have always been of the opinion that Valentine Day is best spent at home. Going to a restaurant on Valentine’s Day is like visiting the Louve on a Saturday in July. Keep the dinner out for a night less crowded night. Since most everyone 

Crab Cakes with Old Bay Dressing

Crab Cakes with Old Bay Dressing

Marcus Samuelsson is probably most well-known for having been the guest chef at President Obama’s first state dinner. However, the more I learn about Samuelsson, the more interested I am. Samuelsson was born in Ethiopia but was adopted at a young age by a Swedish 

Caesar Salad

Caesar Salad

It occurred to me that I have not posted a recipe that contains a single vegetable since January. Unless you count potatoes….which I do not. I promise that I will not emerge from this quarantine three times my original size. But that is only because 

Steak House Steaks (and Why Reverse Searing Reigns Supreme)

Steak House Steaks (and Why Reverse Searing Reigns Supreme)

There are few date-night classics that can’t be perfected at home. That’s good because finding a babysitter on Valentine’s Day, trying to remember to make a reservation in advance, and piling into an over-crowded restaurant to consumer over-priced entrees, can make one feel less than