Pan-Banging Chocolate Chip Cookies

Pan-Banging Chocolate Chip Cookies

I am definitely a late-comer to this internet viral cookie craze. If there is such a thing as a an ‘it’ cookie, then this one was a sensation. I’m not sure why I waited so long, except that I had my two favourite, go-to chocolate 

Jam Thumbprint Cookies

Jam Thumbprint Cookies

The Christmas countdown is on. The countdown that stresses all mothers out- how will I accomplish everything before Christmas Eve? I lay in my bed last night thinking about everything I still had to cook and all the wrapping I had not finished, in that 

Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl Cookies

Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl Cookies

Peanut butter and chocolate belong together. They are soul mates. Their love infects those around them, infusing happiness wherever they go. And let me say that we need a little happiness. Winters in Canada are always long. Add a pandemic and a lock down and 

Crinkle Cookies

Crinkle Cookies

Christmas is not “the most wonderful time of the year” without holiday baking. The making and sharing of Christmas cookies is part of what makes the season magical to me. While we cannot gather to decorate cookies as we did in the past, I will 

Buckeyes (not the Football team)

Buckeyes (not the Football team)

There are those “Martha Stewart” types who are artistic and creative and whose Christmas cookie creations turn out as beautiful as they taste. I am sadly not that kind of person. Despite concerted effort, my cookies have that home-spun, Pinterest-fail look. You know- the kind 

Traditional Cut-Out Sugar Cookies

Traditional Cut-Out Sugar Cookies

Christmas season has not truly arrived until I host “Cookie day”. Also known as the day my kitchen becomes encased in sticky children’s hands, icing and sprinkles. In my house, sugar cookies are never “Instagram worthy”, pastel, coordinated or beautiful, except in the way that 

Skor Bars

Skor Bars

With the Christmas season upon us, I have entered into full baking mode.  Ever year I produce dozens upon dozens of cookies and bars, only to be left with at least 4 cookie tins left over.  Logic would dictate that I make less each year.  

Rhubarb Almond Picnic Bars

Rhubarb Almond Picnic Bars

For some reason I am ingrained with a love of foods that most people find unpleasant or something consumed only by the elderly.  Yes, I have old-lady taste.  Rhubarb is a very clear example.  It is so terribly bitter that it has to be cooked 

Salted Butter and Chocolate Chunk Shortbread Cookies

Salted Butter and Chocolate Chunk Shortbread Cookies

People cannot stop talking about Alison Roman’s new cookie.  If last year was the year of the World Peace Cookie, this is the year of the Salted Butter and Chocolate Chunk Shortbread Cookies (I think they need a catchier name).  Alison Roman had the audacity to 

Hello Dollies

Hello Dollies

Every year as a child my mother would make a batch of layered bars she dubbed “Hello Dollies” for Christmas. They were ‘rot your teeth out’ sweet and highly addictive. My father would always sneak them out of the cookie tins until there were very