Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross Buns

My family has this adorable (or if you ask my husband annoying) habit of singing all the time. On my birthday I receive no less than five phone calls where I am serenaded to the tune of not just Happy Birthday, but our own additional 

Project Bagel

Project Bagel

Most people’s bucket lists include travel plans; places they want to see, the odd and slightly dangerous adventure they want to brag about. I have those too. Except that my bucket list includes a number of cooking challenges and large baking projects that I want 

Homemade Pitas

Homemade Pitas

I often find myself going down kitchen “rabbit holes” where I become obsessive about certain culinary idiosyncrasy to the point where it borders on compulsion. Sometimes this results in delicious outcomes and other times my family is left eating what was intended to be homemade 

Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread

Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread

We have started our 3rd week of social isolation and the monotony and boredom have definitely sank in. It’s strange that the more time I have on my hands, the less I get done. I started the quarantine with such lofty goals: home-school my children, 

Artisan No Knead Bread

Artisan No Knead Bread

After almost 1 week of social isolation, I have learned a few things about myself. Despite my preconceived notions, having lots of time on my hands does not actually result in an immaculately clean house. Perhaps this is just because I am home with my 

Honey Beer Bread

Honey Beer Bread

It is unfathomable how quickly our lives can change. Last weekend, the coronavirus was concerning in a somewhat abstract fashion. An ailment that was afflicting others, a topic of much discussion, but ultimately a danger that felt removed. By the end of this week all 



I have covered a few slightly controversial food topics on this blog. While we’re not talking politics or religion, people have some very specific feelings about mayonnaise, chili, and pizza, to name a few. But those do not hold a candle to the divisiveness which 

Avocado Toast, Three Ways

Avocado Toast, Three Ways

I try not to get too swept away with the latest food trends. I have no intention of ordering anything “unicorn”. I usually keep my pumpkin spice for pies. But like most people in the past few years, I have become a bit obsessive with 

Zucchini Bread

Zucchini Bread

I came back from a week away to discover that my garden had produced a zucchini the size of a large squash. I had no choice.  I had to make zucchini bread.  Or so I tell my Keto-dieting husband.  Really though- an overly large zucchini will 

Cream Biscuits

Cream Biscuits

What makes every Sunday dinner a little better?  Why biscuits of course! Sadly my parents were never big on bread at the dinner table, in any form.  It was not until adulthood that I realized I was missing out on those delicious dinner rolls, soaking