Dutch Baby

Dutch Baby

A Dutch Baby is really a funny name for a giant pancake that you cook in the oven. Apparently it is not actually Dutch but German. The term Dutch baby originated from the term “Deutsch”. Like most bastardized translations, English-speaking Americans heard “Dutch” and the name stuck.

And there is your history lesson for the day.

The great thing about this pancake is that it is quick to make. No need to stand over the stove flipping every few minutes. Throw it in the oven and let it magically rise by itself. Yet despite the minimal effort, it makes for a dramatic presentation, giving others the illusion that you fussed. The recipe is also very adaptable- you can make it either savoury or sweet depending on the toppings that you choose. [I went with powdered sugar and a little lemon juice in these photos].

If you find yourself stuck with blessed with company this Mother’s Day weekend, serve this for a perfect, low-maintenance brunch.

A cast-iron skillet is really key to making sure you have crisp edges. The puffiness settles quickly and dramatically the longer it is out of the oven, so serve it immediately to keep the presentation.

Dutch Baby

Smitten Kitchen

Serves 2-4, Total time: 30 minutes

2-3 Tbsp salted butter
4 large eggs
1/2 cup (65 g) all-purpose flour
1/2 cup whole milk
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1 Tbsp sugar (if using sweet topping)

Heat oven to 425F with 12 inch cast iron skillet inside.

In a large bowl, beat eggs thoroughly with a whisk. Add salt and flour and whisk until the lumps disappear. Add milk, whisking until smooth. Add sugar if desired.

When the oven is heated, remove the skillet. Add the butter and roll it around so that it melts and goes up the sides.

Pour the batter into the skillet and return it to the oven. Bake for 12-15 minutes, checking often to see that the edges are deeply golden brown and the center is just beginning to colour. Transfer to a cooling rack and top as desired.

Topping options:
Sweet:powdered sugar, lemon juice, syrup, berries, or chocolate sauce
Savory: bacon or ham, cheese, herbs, sauteed greens, freshly ground pepper